Tout le monde, who is born again in Christ has become a new creation and has God’s nature. La volonté de Dieu, which was hidden for the old creation, but was revealed by the law of Moses, is written upon the heart of the new man. This means that the new man doesn’t need the law of Moses to walk righteous in the will of God. L'homme nouveau est la loi pour lui-même. By the renewing of spirit, cœur, et la nature, the new man shall by nature obey the truth of God and walk after the Spirit in the will of God and establish the law (the moral part of the law). But if the law is written upon the heart of the new man, why do so many people, qui se disent chrétiens, keep sinning and keep doing and approving those things that diametrically oppose the will of God?
The law of Moses was a schoolmaster until the coming of Christ
Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator. Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one (Galates 3:19)
Mais avant que la foi ne vienne, Nous étions maintenus sous la loi, enfermés dans la foi qui doit être révélée par la suite. C’est pourquoi la loi a été notre maître d’école pour nous amener au Christ, afin que nous soyons justifiés par la foi (Galates 3:23-24)
After the exodus of Egypt, God revealed Himself, Sa volonté, His righteousness, and His holiness to His people by giving the law to Moses, who was chosen by God as His representative and the leader of His people to lead them into the promised land (Oh. Exode 3:1-4:17).
The law of Moses was a schoolmaster for everyone, who was born of the seed of Israel (Jacob), until the coming of the Messiah; Jésus le Christ, le Fils du Dieu vivant. The law of Moses was meant for the old creation in whom the sinful nature reigns in the flesh.
The law of Moses revealed sin and iniquity was and diametrically opposed the will of the flesh and dealt with the sinful works of the flesh.
Through obedience to the law of Moses, God’s people differentiated themselves from the pagan nations (les Gentils), who walked after the will, convoitises, and desires of the flesh in pride, égoïsme, mensonges, idolâtrie, la sorcellerie, fornication, adultery and uncleanness, and God’s people were guarded under the law.
But since the law diametrically opposed the will of the (coupable) flesh and there were people among the house of Israel, who loved their flesh above God, there were rebels among God’s people to whom the law was a hindrance and a stone of stumbling (Lire aussi: Pourquoi Dieu a-t-il écrit sa loi sur des tables de pierre? etJésus est-il une pierre angulaire précieuse ou une pierre d’achoppement?).
They considered the law of Moses a heavy burden and refused to submit to God and keep His commandments, rituels, and ordinances.
Although they were all born of the seed of Jacob and through their natural birth and circumcision in the flesh belonged to the house of Israel and lived in His covenant, not all of them belonged to God and loved God with all their heart, âme, mind and strength and because of that, they were not saved and didn’t enter His rest and receive their inheritance.
Because of their murmuring and complaining and their unbelief, désobéissance, and rebellion towards God, they died in the wilderness and never entered the promised land.
Jesus represented the will of the Father and fulfilled the law
The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presses into it. And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail. Whosoever puts away his wife, et épouse une autre, commet l’adultère: et quiconque l’épouse qui est éloignée de son mari commet un adultère (Luc 16:16-18)
Ne pensez pas que je suis venu pour détruire la loi, ou les prophètes: Je ne suis pas venu pour détruire, mais pour accomplir. Car en vérité, je vous le dis, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled (Matthieu 5:17-18)
God is holy and righteous and is no Respecter of persons and act according to His law; la loi de l'Esprit, which is righteous and good.
God sent His Son Jesus to the earth, who was His reflection and represented His will.
Jesus was born of the Seed of God and the Firstborn of the new creation and walked after the Spirit in the will of God (Lire aussi: Jésus est l’image du Dieu invisible, le Premier-né de la nouvelle création).
By His words, which derived from the Father, and His righteous walk in obedience to God, Jesus exposed the lies of the devil, who has successfully tempted man with his lies and usurped man from the beginning of creation, and Jesus testified of the evil works of the old man (l'ancienne création).
Jesus exposed all things that were hidden in darkness, by His words, travaux, et marcher, and because of that Jesus was not always loved by the people around Him, but Jesus was loved by the Father.
Because when the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus (and on other occasions), a voice came from Heaven saying, this is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased (Oh. Matthieu 3:17; 12:18; 17:5, Marque 1:11; 9:7, Luc 3:22; 9:35, John 12:28)
The will of the Father was written upon the heart of Jesus
Jesus had totally surrendered His life to the Father and did nothing outside His will.
The will of the Father was written upon the heart of Jesus and guided Him. Depuis l'enfance, Jesus was busy with the things of His Father and doing His will. By His walk, Jesus fulfilled the law and finished His redemptive work for fallen mankind on earth (Lire aussi: What peace did Jesus bring on earth?)
Jesus overcame the devil, péché, et la mort
Jésus Christ, le Fils du Dieu vivant, took the place of fallen man. Jesus was crucified and carried all the sins of the world and took the penalty of sin, which is death upon Himself and entered Hades (enfer, the kingdom of the dead), where Jesus stayed for three days and then rose as a Victor from the dead and triumphed over all principalities and powers (Lire aussi: Qu’a fait Jésus en enfer?)
Through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus and His blood and His resurrection from the dead, Jesus dealt for once and for all with the sin problem and made a way for sinners to be made perfect, whole, and righteous and reconcile them with God.
Jesus didn’t come to destroy the law but to fulfill the law. And everyone, who is born of God and has become a son of God (cela s'applique aussi bien aux hommes qu'aux femmes) and has received God’s nature shall by faith establish the law (the moral part of the law, qui représente la volonté de Dieu (Oh. Romains 3:31)).
The promise of the New Covenant
Voir, les jours viennent, dit le Seigneur, que je ferai une nouvelle alliance avec la maison d’Israël, et avec la maison de Juda: Non selon l’alliance que j’ai faite avec leurs pères le jour où je les ai pris par la main pour les faire sortir du pays d’Égypte; qu’ils brisent mon alliance, bien que j’aie été un mari pour eux, dit le Seigneur: Mais ce sera l'alliance que je ferai avec la maison d'Israël;
Après ces jours, dit le Seigneur, Je mettrai ma loi dans leurs entrailles, et écris-le dans leur cœur; et sera leur Dieu, et ils seront mon peuple. Et ils n’enseigneront plus à chacun son prochain, et chacun son frère, en disant, Connaître le Seigneur: for they shall all know Me, du plus petit d'entre eux au plus grand d'entre eux, dit le Seigneur: car je pardonnerai leur iniquité, et je ne me souviendrai plus de leur péché. (Jérémie 31:31-34)
Et je leur donnerai un seul cœur, et je mettrai un nouvel esprit en toi; et j'ôterai le cœur de pierre de leur chair, et leur donnera un cœur de chair: Afin qu'ils puissent marcher dans mes statuts, et garde mes ordonnances, et fais-les: et ils seront mon peuple, et je serai leur Dieu (Ézéchiel 11:19-20)
For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. Je te donnerai aussi un cœur nouveau, et je mettrai en vous un esprit nouveau: et j’ôterai de ta chair le cœur de pierre, et je te donnerai un cœur de chair. Et Je mettrai Mon Esprit en vous, et vous fera marcher dans Mes statuts, et vous observerez mes jugements, et fais-les (Ézéchiel 36:24-27)
For by one offering He hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that he had said before, This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, dit le Seigneur, I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more (Hébreux 10:14-17)
In the Old Covenant God gave the promise of a New Covenant (because the house of Israel and Juda had broken His Covenant), wherein by one offering He would perfect them, who would be sanctified (En lui), and put a new spirit, His Spirit within them and replace the heart of stone by a heart of flesh, so that they would walk in His statutes and keep His ordinances, His judgments, and they would be His people and He would be their God.
This promise of God was fulfilled on the Jour de Pentecôte when about 120 disciples of Jesus were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance (Actes 2).
The old man had become the new man and was no longer carnal and didn’t possess a heart of stone, but had become spiritual and had received a new heart of flesh, upon which the laws of God (Sa volonté) were written and caused them to do the will of God and keep His commandments (Lire aussi: Pourquoi Dieu a-t-il écrit sa loi sur des tables de pierre? And The commandments of God vs the commandments of Jesus).
The law is written upon the heart of the new man
Car quand les Gentils, qui n'ont pas la loi, faire par nature les choses contenues dans la loi, these having not the law, are the law unto themselves: Qui montrent l'œuvre de la loi écrite dans leurs cœurs, leur conscience témoigne également, et leurs pensées sont méchantes en s'accusant ou bien en s'excusant; in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel (Romains 2:14-16)
Salvation came first to the house of Israel and then to the Gentiles. Because by faith in Jesus Christ and regeneration in Him, the Gentiles also had the ability to be saved and by His blood receive forgiveness of sin and be redeemed from the reign of the devil and the power of darkness and be translated into the Kingdom of God’s beloved Son, and be reconciled with God and become fellow partakers of His Body; the Church and the spiritual things and fellow partakers of His promise in Christ Jesus and live as fellow heirs in union with God in the New Covenant (Oh. Romains 15:27, Éphésiens 3:6-7, Colossiens 1:12-23)
Through the abiding of the Holy Spirit, la loi de Dieu, qui représente sa volonté, is written upon the heart of the new man, and because of that the new shall walk by faith in obedience to the Word in the will of God.
L'homme nouveau est la loi pour lui-même
C’est pourquoi la loi a été notre maître d’école pour nous amener au Christ, afin que nous soyons justifiés par la foi. Mais après que cette foi est venue, Nous ne sommes plus sous l’autorité d’un maître d’école. Car vous êtes tous enfants de Dieu par la foi en Jésus-Christ. Car tous ceux d’entre vous qui ont été baptisés en Christ ont revêtu Christ. Il n’y a ni Juif ni Grec, Il n’y a ni lien ni liberté, il n’y a ni homme ni femme: car vous êtes tous un en Jésus-Christ (Galates 3:24-28)
Par la foi et la régénération dans le Christ, there is no difference anymore between the circumcised in the flesh; the people who are born of the seed of Israël and are God’s covenant people and live under the law of Moses, and the uncircumcised in the flesh; les Gentils, who don’t belong to God’s covenant people and are not under the law.
The law of Moses was a schoolmaster for the children of Israel until the coming of Jesus Christ, who redeemed them from the law through faith and regeneration in Him.
The Gentiles are not born under the law, but when they are baptized in Christ and clothed with Christ and receive the Holy Spirit and become a new creation, they shall automatically do the will of God from their new heart, Esprit, and nature and establish the law. They are the law unto themselves, not because they have to, but because they want to.
Because all, who are baptized in Christ are clothed with Christ and have become a new creation and are all one in Christ Jesus and belong to the same Body and have received the same Holy Spirit, whereby the laws are written upon their heart and they shall love God above all and walk in obedience in the will of the Father and keep the commandments of Jesus and please and honor Him and glorify the Father.
Ceux, who reject the law, reject the Holy Spirit
If there are people, who say they believe and are born again, but don’t keep the commandments of Jesus and don’t do what He says and don’t walk according to the will of God, but keep sinning and keep living in rebellion towards God’s Word in iniquity, then the Word testifies, that they are not a new creation and don’t belong to God and don’t have the Holy Spirit abiding in them, but they are still the old creation, who belongs to the ruler of the world and has the spirit of the world and live from their sinful, rebelle, and prideful nature, since they compromise with the world approving sin and keep walking after the flesh doing the works of the flesh,
Their love for their flesh is bigger than their love for Jesus and because of that they don’t want to submit to Christ and are not willing to change.
Freedom in Christ doesn’t mean redemption from the will of God (the moral part of the law) and the commandments of Jesus, but freedom in Christ means redemption from the power of the devil and sin and death, qui règnent dans la chair.
Faith is not an addition to your old life and doesn’t revolve around going to church every week and following a set of laws, règles, rituels, fêtes, etc.. which are imposed on man, but faith is your life through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and the crucifixion of the flesh and the resurrection of the spirit from the dead in Christ and by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, whereby you shall live from your new nature (La nature de Dieu), doing the will of God whereby you shall establish the law.
'Soyez le sel de la terre’