What does mortify your member which are upon the earth mean?

What does mortify your members which are upon the earth mean?

Im Kolosserbrief 3:5-9, Paul schrieb, Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; Unzucht, Unreinheit, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which thingssake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience:…

Was Jesus mit meinen Worten meinte, sind Geist und Leben? John 6:63

Was Jesus mit meinen Worten meinte, sind Geist und Leben?

The words of Jesus didn’t always bring peace, Freude, and unity among the people, but often caused murmur, strive and persecution. This also happened in the temple in Capernaum, where Jesus taught and testified about being the Bread of

Was sagt die Sünde der Kirchenführer über sie aus??

Was sagt die Sünde der Kirchenführer über sie aus??

Although changes are made in churches worldwide, and many churches compromise and adjust the words of God and lower the standards of God, we serve the Almighty God, Who is the Creator of heaven and earth and all there

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