трон твоей жизни

Кто сидит на троне твоей жизни?

I was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly (Пословицы 5:14) When you haven’t crucified your flesh and haven’t died to your ‘self’, then when someone corrects you, on the basis of the Word, ты…

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And have not obeyed the voice of my teachers, nor inclined mine ear to them that instructed me (Пословицы 5:13) If you don’t listen to the Father, if you don’t listen to Jesus; слово, nor to the voice of

Библия — наш компас, обрести мудрость

Библия — наш компас

Hear me now therefore, О вы, дети, and depart not from the words of my mouth (Пословицы 5:7) The Father advises us strongly, to listen to Him, and that we should not depart from the words of His mouth. Его…

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