Bible is our compass, gain wisdom

The Bible is our compass

Ngadangu kuring ayeuna kituna, Aduh barudak, jeung ulah indit ti kecap tina sungut abdi (Paribasa 5:7) The Father advises us strongly, to listen to Him, and that we should not depart from the words of His mouth. His

wrong track of life

The wrong track of life

Lest thou shouldest ponder jalan hirup, cara dirina anu moveable, yén anjeun teu tiasa terang aranjeunna (Paribasa 5:6) The devil shall always try to keep you away from the path of life; the path to eternal life. That’s why

A strange woman can be deadly

A strange woman can be deadly

sukuna turun ka maot; léngkahna nahan naraka (Paribasa 5:5) The father warns his son for the strange woman, because she can be deadly. Why can she be ‘deadly’? Because she operates out of Hades, jeung…

the strange woman

Beware of the strange woman

Pikeun biwir awéwé aneh lungsur salaku sayang madu, jeung sungut nya smoother ti minyak: Tapi tungtungna nya pait sakumaha wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword (Paribasa 5:3,4) The son should attend unto the wisdom of

discretion and knowledge

Discretion and knowledge

putra abdi, merhatikeun hikmah abdi, jeung sujud ceuli anjeun kana pamahaman kuring: Anu anjeun tiasa nganggap kawijaksanaan, sarta yén biwir anjeun bisa ngajaga pangaweruh (Paribasa 5:1-2) The Father tells you, that you should attend unto His wisdom, and not yours.

kasalahan: Eusi ieu ditangtayungan