The bread and wine

The bread and wine

For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence (Izreke 4:17) In this life on earth, every person eats and drinks bread and wine, and participates at a table. You either participate at the table of

ridicule people

Riječ mudrosti – Ridicule people

For they sleep not, except they have done mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall (Izreke 4:16) Zli (the ungodly) walk on the path of evil. Vrag je njihov otac, and his

Where did the Seed go in the Bible

Where did the Seed go in the Bible?

In most modern Bible translations, the seed has been replaced by offspring. But why has this happened? Where did the Seed go in the Bible? Because we all know, that the seed plays a significant role in the Bible.

path of the wicked

Izreke 4:14 – Ne ulazite na put opakih

Koje je značenje Mudrih izreka 4:14-15, Ne ulazite na put opakih, i ne idite putem zlih ljudi. Izbjegavajte to, Ne prolazite pored njega, okrenite se od njega, i prođe? Why you should

take fast hold on instruction

Take fast hold of instruction

Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life (Izreke 4:13) There are not many people, who enjoy instruction and being disciplined. Most people want to be pleased and complimented by others.

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