Danger of Buddha statues

خطر مجسمه های بودا چیست؟?

Buddha statues are a trend that’s spreading all over the world. Under the cloak of peace, calm energy, happiness, harmony, and prosperity, many people, including Christians have a Buddha statue at home. Maybe someone has given you a Buddha statue

چرا پدر باید به فرزندش آموزش دهد

چرا پدر باید به فرزندش آموزش دهد

چون من پسر پدرم بودم, لطیف و تنها در نظر مادرم محبوب. به من هم یاد داد, و به من گفت, بگذار قلبت حرف های من را حفظ کند: احکام من را حفظ کن, و زندگی (ضرب المثل ها 4:3-4) سلیمان در مورد زمان نوشت,…

instruction of a father

Why is the instruction of a father important?

Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding. For I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law (ضرب المثل ها 4:1-2) Children should listen to the instruction of their father. Because only when they listen to

The Lord knows every thought

The Lord knows every thought

Surely He scorns the scorners: but He gives grace unto the lowly (ضرب المثل ها 3:34) The Lord knows, what is going on in the hearts of the people. He knows every thought of every human being, who lives on this earth. There

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