Wat sê die sonde van kerkleiers van hulle?

Wat sê die sonde van kerkleiers van hulle?

Although changes are made in churches worldwide, and many churches compromise and adjust the words of God and lower the standards of God, we serve the Almighty God, Who is the Creator of heaven and earth and all there

Is the church seeing or blind?

Is the church seeing or blind?

When some of the Pharisees heard the words of Jesus, how He had come for judgment into the world, that they which see not might see and that they which see might be made blind, they asked Jesus if

Hoeveel Christene swyg om in die kerk te bly?

Hoeveel Christene swyg om in die kerk te bly?

In John 9, we read about the healing of the blind man on the Sabbath. The man was born blind and was a beggar, but after his encounter with Jesus the Christ his eyes were opened and his days

Is die Bybel steeds dwingend en relevant vir Christene?

Is die Bybel steeds dwingend en relevant vir Christene?

Ten spyte van die feit, that the Bible is the most sold and ‘read’ book in the world, the Bibel is also the most controversial Book and attacked Book in the world. There are many countries that are afraid of the

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