在歌罗西书中 3:5-9, 保罗写道, 因此,要克制你们在地球上的成员; 淫乱, 不洁, 过度的感情, 恶欲, 和贪婪, 这是偶像崇拜: 为了哪些事’ 因为神的愤怒临到悖逆之子身上:…
在歌罗西书中 3:1-4, 保罗写道, if you be risen with Christ, 寻求在上面的事, where Christ sits on the right hand of God. 将你的喜爱放在上面的事物上, 不在地球上的事物上. For…
The words of Jesus didn’t always bring peace, 喜悦, and unity among the people, but often caused murmur, strive and persecution. This also happened in the temple in Capernaum, where Jesus taught and testified about being the Bread of…
让无罪的人投下第一块石头, 是基督徒中最常用的圣经经文之一. 尽管许多基督徒自己并没有花太多时间在圣经上, 更不用说研究圣经了, this scripture is…
Although changes are made in churches worldwide, and many churches compromise and adjust the words of God and lower the standards of God, we serve the Almighty God, Who is the Creator of heaven and earth and all there…