chastening of the Lord

The chastening of the Lord

putra abdi, despise not the chastening of the Lord; neither be weary of his correction: For whom the Lord loves he corrects; even as a father the son in whom he delights (Paribasa 3:11-12) If you accept the Lord Jesus

honor the Lord with tithes and offerings

How do you honor the Lord?

Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine (Paribasa 3:9-10) Do you honor the Lord with your wealth? Do

Adam experienced the same as God

Did you know that Adam experienced the same as God?

Did you know that Adam experienced the same as God? When Adam became disobedient to God, God lost His son Adam to death. The spirit in Adam died, and because of that God lost His son. Adam experienced the

Fear the Lord

Why you should fear the Lord and depart from evil

Ulah bijaksana dina panon sorangan: sieun ka Gusti, jeung indit ti jahat. Ieu bakal kaséhatan pikeun bujal anjeun, jeung sungsum kana tulang anjeun (Paribasa 3:7-8) The Word instructs you, to no put your trust in your own wisdom

Acknowledge the Lord in all your ways

Kecap hikmah – Acknowledge the Lord in all your ways

Dina sagala cara anjeun ngaku Anjeunna, and He shall direct thy paths (Paribasa 3:6) When you trust the Lord, with all your heart, and when you follow Him and His Word, instead of the world, then you shall acknowledge Him

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