Fear the Lord

Why you should fear the Lord and depart from evil

Ne budi mudar u svojim očima: bojte se Gospoda, i kloni se zla. To će biti zdravlje za tvoj pupak, i srž tvojim kostima (Izreke 3:7-8) The Word instructs you, to no put your trust in your own wisdom

Što Biblija kaže o liječnicima?

Has God changed throughout the years? Ne, Bog je isti, jučer, danas, and forevermore.
 God has not changed and will never change. 
God still thinks the same way about matters Today, as He did in the early days.

mercy and truth

Walking in mercy and truth

Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man (Izreke 3:3-4) When you walk in the mercy of

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