the upright and wicked

What will happen to the upright and the wicked?

Porque los rectos habitarán en la tierra, y lo perfecto permanecerá en él. Pero los malvados serán cortados de la tierra., y los transgresores serán desarraigados de ella (Proverbios 2:21-22) The upright are those who have been

Wisdom of God

Palabra de sabiduría – The wisdom of God

When wisdom enters into thine heart, y el conocimiento es agradable a tu alma; La discreción te preservará, el entendimiento te guardará: Para librarte del camino del hombre malo, from the man that speaks froward things; Who leave

Why the flesh can’t pray?

Christians can do all things, but there is one thing they find hard to do and that’s praying. Why do so many Christians find it difficult to pray and some even feel they can’t pray at all? La biblia…

When wisdom enters into your heart

When wisdom enters into your heart

When wisdom enters into thine heart, y el conocimiento es agradable a tu alma; La discreción te preservará, el entendimiento te guardará (Proverbios 2:10-11) When you fill yourself with the Word of God, then wisdom shall enter into your heart. You shall be filled with

Understand every good path

Palabra de sabiduría – Understand every good path

Then shalt thou understand righteousness, y juicio, y equidad; sí, every good path (Proverbios 2:9) Por la sangre de Jesús, you have been made righteous. It is because of His work, that you have been made righteous and be saved, no…

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