image of bible with title The armor bearer of Jesus Christ

The armor bearer of Jesus Christ

While writing the previous blog post, the Lord showed the role of an armor bearer and how this role refers to our role as believers and followers of Jesus Christ. Let’s look at what the Bible says about the

The Lord is a buckler

Słowo mądrości – The Lord is a Buckler

He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: He is a Buckler to them that walk uprightly. He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserves the way of his saints (Przysłowia 2:7-8) When you walk on the path of the Lord; the path

Lord gives wisdom

Słowo mądrości – The Lord gives wisdom

For the Lord gives wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding (Przysłowia 2:6) The Lord is the only One, Who will provide true wisdom. This wisdom is not the wisdom of the world, because the wisdom of the world is

find the knowledge of God

Słowo mądrości – Jak znaleźć wiedzę o Bogu?

Mój syn, jeśli przyjmiesz moje słowa, i ukryj moje przykazania u ciebie; Abyś nakłonił swe ucho ku mądrości, i nakłoń swoje serce do zrozumienia; Tak, jeśli będziesz wołał o wiedzę, i rozjaśnij głos ku zrozumieniu; If thou seekest her

dwell safely

How do you dwell safely?

But whoso hearkens unto me shall dwell safely, i będą cicho ze strachu przed złem (Przysłowia 1:33) Wierzący, who fear the Lord, Słuchaj go, and obey His Word and don’t despise His reproof shall dwell safely

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