Is christening infant baptism same as adult baptism

Is infant baptism the same as adult baptism?

There are always many discussions going on in churches. One of these discussions is about infant baptism (christening). Many Christians wonder whether infant baptism is the same as adult baptism. Should we baptize infants in the church? What does

consent not

What does it mean to consent not?

My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not (Притчи 1:10) The father warns the son for the temptations of sinners and to not consent. He warns the son, that if sinners (people, who live without God and don’t know

What is Baptism? Bible say about baptism in water?

What is baptism?

Water baptism is often considered as a Christian ritual. You’ll be baptized in water when you believe in Jesus Christ, покайте се, and decide to follow Jesus and become a Christian. Many Christians are baptized without really knowing and realizing, what

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Началото на знанието

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction (Притчи 1:7) Many people are looking for knowledge and wisdom. But what is the beginning of knowledge? The Word gives us the answer, and tells

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