Book of wisdom

The book of wisdom

The Bible is full of wisdom. Jedoch, this wisdom is not the wisdom of this world, but the wisdom of God. When you are born again and walk after the Spirit, in His Kingdom, you should also fill yourself

What is an evil heart in Bible Hebrews 3:12

What is an evil heart?

The writer of the book of Hebrew warned the brethren of an evil heart. In Hebrews 3:12-13, the writer instructed the brethren to exhort each other daily, so that they would keep walking in the will of God on

obedience to His commandments

How do you enter God’s rest?

In Hebrews 4, we read about entering God’s rest. But what is God’s rest? How do you enter God’s rest according to the Bible and live from His rest and experience the peace of God in your life? Der…

Wie Sie zur Ruhe kommen, Innere Ruhe finden

Wie Sie zur Ruhe kommen?

Wir leben in einer Welt, where people are always busy. The majority of people have no peace, but are always in a rush. Infolge, they are easily irritated, edgy, and less tolerant. Viele Leute, darunter auch Christen, don’t

neue Kreation, Was geschah am achten Tag?

Wussten Sie, als Gott die neue Schöpfung schuf?

Wussten Sie, wann Gott die neue Schöpfung schuf?? Gott schuf am achten Tag eine neue Schöpfung. After He made the new creation (der neue Mann), Er trat in seine Ruhe ein. Die Erschaffung der Himmel und der Erde…

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