Ôsmy deň nového stvorenia

Ôsmy deň, deň nového stvorenia

God created the heaven and the earth and all the host in six days and God rested on the seventh day of all His works. God called the things which were not as though they were. When God finished

Ôsmy deň novej zmluvy

Ôsmy deň, deň Novej zmluvy

God established His covenant with Abraham and his seed. As a token of God’s covenant with Abraham, God commanded Abraham to circumcise every male child on the eighth day. The circumcision in the flesh on the eighth day, ktoré…

Ako mať vieru v Boha?

In Mark 11:22, Jesus said to His disciples to have faith in God. Why is it so important to have faith in God? If you have faith in God, you can move mountains and shall have what you say.

mesto Gibea

Čo sa stalo v meste Gibeah?

Vedeli ste, čo sa stalo v meste Gibea?? V sudcoch 19, čítali sme o meste Gibeah a o tom, že takmer presne tá istá zvrhlá vec sa stala v Gibeah ako v Sodome. Ľudia v meste…

Čo robí viera v meno Ježiš?

Čo robí viera v meno Ježiš?

Mnohí kresťania sa vyznávajú tak rýchlo, že veria v meno Ježiš a počas modlitby používajú meno Ježiš. Ale či naozaj veria v to Meno? Because when you look at their lives and

chyba: Tento obsah je chránený