Eighth day new covenent

Siku ya nane, the day of the New Covenant

God established His covenant with Abraham and his seed. As a token of God’s covenant with Abraham, God commanded Abraham to circumcise every male child on the eighth day. The circumcision in the flesh on the eighth day, ambayo…

Jinsi ya kuwa na imani kwa Mungu?

In Mark 11:22, Jesus said to His disciples to have faith in God. Why is it so important to have faith in God? If you have faith in God, you can move mountains and shall have what you say.

mji wa Gibea

Kilichotokea katika mji wa Gibea?

Je, unajua kilichotokea katika mji wa Gibea?? In Judges 19, we read about the city of Gibeah and that almost exactly the same pervert thing happened in Gibeah as in Sodom. The people in the city

Je, imani katika Jina la Yesu hufanya nini?

Je, imani katika Jina la Yesu hufanya nini?

Wakristo wengi wanakiri upesi sana kwamba wana imani katika Jina la Yesu na kutumia Jina la Yesu wakati wanaomba. Lakini je! wanaamini kweli katika Jina hilo? Because when you look at their lives and

The greatness of God

A new week has begun, and today I would like to share the following Psalm with you. This Psalm is all about the greatness of God. What a mighty God is our God! Let us serve the Lord with

kosa: Maudhui haya yanalindwa