Ce face credința în Numele lui Isus??

Ce face credința în Numele lui Isus??

Many Christians confess so quickly that they have faith in the Name of Jesus and use the Name of Jesus while they pray. But do they really believe in that Name? Because when you look at their lives and

The greatness of God

A new week has begun, and today I would like to share the following Psalm with you. This Psalm is all about the greatness of God. What a mighty God is our God! Let us serve the Lord with

înțelepciunea acestei lumi este o nebunie pentru Dumnezeu, prost

A fool for the world

When you turn against the Word of God and live a life full of sins and iniquities, Dumnezeu spune, that you are a fool. But the world says the exact opposite. They don’t understand born again Christians, who are

Ioan 15:18-20 Dacă lumea vă urăște, știți că M-a urât pe Mine înainte de a vă urî pe voi, nu esti din lume

Lumea nu te cunoaște?

If you are a son of God, then the world doesn’t know you, because the world doesn’t know Him. That’s what the Bible says in 1 Ioan 3:1. The world will not understand you anymore and thinks you are

Vrei întotdeauna să îți dovedești valoarea??

Vrei întotdeauna să îți dovedești valoarea??

Sunt mulți oameni, who always feel the need to prove themselves to others. There are even many Christians, who feel the need to prove themselves to others. They want to show others that they belong to God and

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