wisdom of this world is foolishness for God, fool

A fool for the world

When you turn against the Word of God and live a life full of sins and iniquities, Modimo o rialo, that you are a fool. But the world says the exact opposite. They don’t understand born again Christians, who are

Johanne 15:18-20 Ha lefatshe le le hloya, le tsebe hoba le ntlhoile, le eso ho le hloye, ha le ba lefatshe

Lefatshe ha le o tsebe?

If you are a son of God, then the world doesn’t know you, because the world doesn’t know Him. That’s what the Bible says in 1 Johanne 3:1. The world will not understand you anymore and thinks you are

Na u lula u batla ho ipaka?

Na u lula u batla ho ipaka?

Ho na le batho ba bangata, who always feel the need to prove themselves to others. There are even many Christians, who feel the need to prove themselves to others. They want to show others that they belong to God and

Obedience to God

Jesus was the First born of the New Creation and the reflection of God. Jesus is our Example and showed us how to walk in obedience to God on earth. But what does obedience to God mean? What does

Bibele e re’ng ka ho se mamele Molimo

Ho se mamele Molimo

Bibele e re’ng ka ho se mamele Molimo? Ho na le mehlala e mengata ka Bibeleng ea ho se mamele Molimo. E ’ngoe ea mehlala ena ke pale ea monna oa Molimo oa Juda, who God sent to deliver

phoso: Litaba tsena li sirelelitsoe