When some of the Pharisees heard the words of Jesus, how He had come for judgment into the world, чтобы невидящие видели, а видящие ослепли, they asked Jesus if…
В Джоне 9:39, Иисус сказал, для суда я пришёл в этот мир, чтобы невидящие видели, а видящие ослепли. Что Иисус имел в виду под этим? Поскольку Иисус сказал…
В Джоне 9, we read about the healing of the blind man on the Sabbath. The man was born blind and was a beggar, but after his encounter with Jesus the Christ his eyes were opened and his days…
Несмотря на, that the Bible is the most sold and ‘read’ book in the world, the Bibel is also the most controversial Book and attacked Book in the world. There are many countries that are afraid of the…
В Осии 4:6, Бог говорил пророку Осии о Своем неверном и прелюбодейном народе Израиля и о последствиях их неверности и прелюбодеяния для Его народа и земли.. Бог сказал, My people are destroyed for lack of…