在约翰 9, 我们读到关于安息日盲人得医治的事. 该男子生来双目失明,是一名乞丐, but after his encounter with Jesus the Christ his eyes were opened and his days…
尽管事实上, 圣经是世界上销量和阅读量最大 的书, 《双倍尔》也是世界上最有争议和被攻击的书. There are many countries that are afraid of the…
In Hosea 4:6, God spoke to the prophet Hosea about His unfaithful adulterous people of Israel and the consequences of their unfaithfulness and adultery for His people and the land. 神说, My people are destroyed for lack of…
在 1 彼得 2:9-10, it is written that Christians, who have given heed to the call of God, Who called them out of darkness into His marvelous, are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, 一个神圣的国家, and a…
保罗在罗马书中的意思是什么 6:12 由, 因此不要让罪作王 (称王) 在你必死的身体里? 这对基督徒的生活意味着什么, 借着在基督里的重生而成为新造的人?…