Vedeli ste, čo sa stalo v meste Gibea?? V sudcoch 19, čítali sme o meste Gibeah a o tom, že takmer presne tá istá zvrhlá vec sa stala v Gibeah ako v Sodome. Ľudia v meste…
Mnohí kresťania sa vyznávajú tak rýchlo, že veria v meno Ježiš a počas modlitby používajú meno Ježiš. Ale či naozaj veria v to Meno? Because when you look at their lives and…
A new week has begun, and today I would like to share the following Psalm with you. This Psalm is all about the greatness of God. What a mighty God is our God! Let us serve the Lord with…
When you turn against the Word of God and live a life full of sins and iniquities, Boh hovorí, that you are a fool. But the world says the exact opposite. They don’t understand born again Christians, kto sú…
If you are a son of God, then the world doesn’t know you, because the world doesn’t know Him. That’s what the Bible says in 1 John 3:1. The world will not understand you anymore and thinks you are…