你知道基比亚城发生了什么吗? In Judges 19, we read about the city of Gibeah and that almost exactly the same pervert thing happened in Gibeah as in Sodom. The people in the city…
许多基督徒很快就认罪,相信耶稣的名,并在祷告时使用耶稣的名. 但他们真的相信这个名字吗? Because when you look at their lives and…
A new week has begun, and today I would like to share the following Psalm with you. This Psalm is all about the greatness of God. What a mighty God is our God! Let us serve the Lord with…
When you turn against the Word of God and live a life full of sins and iniquities, 上帝说, that you are a fool. But the world says the exact opposite. They don’t understand born again Christians, who are…
If you are a son of God, then the world doesn’t know you, because the world doesn’t know Him. That’s what the Bible says in 1 约翰 3:1. The world will not understand you anymore and thinks you are…