Previše sam zauzet zauzetošću

Jeste li previše zauzeti zauzetošću?

Everyone is busy. No one has time. People are consumed by their everyday lives. People don’t rule over time, but time rules over people. When you ask someone how it’s going or a favor, almost every time, you hear

Choose this day whom you will serve

Choose this day whom you will serve

U 1 Ivan 2:15-17, it is written that if you love the world and the things that are in the world; the lust of the flesh and the eyes, i ponos života, then the love of God

Joseph je bio uznemiren i uznemiren

Jeste li znali da je Joseph bio uznemiren i uznemiren?

Dali si znao, when Joseph was cast into the pit by his brothers, and when they sold Joseph for twenty pieces of silver to the Ishmaelites, that Joseph was anguished and distressed? Dali si znao, that Joseph begged his


Što je posvećenje?

Jer to je volja Božja, čak i tvoje posvećenje, da se klonite bluda: Da svatko od vas zna držati svoju posudu u svetosti i časti; Ne u požudi požude, even

dvije velike zapovijedi, Ako Me ljubite, čuvajte Moje zapovijedi

The righteous walks in righteousness

Kada ste nanovo rođeni u Kristu, you have been made righteous. Biblija kaže, Bog je stvorio Isusa, who knew no sin, biti grijeh za nas, who knew no sin, so that we might be made the righteousness

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