What does the Bible say about disobedience to God

Dezobeyisans bay Bondye

What does the Bible say about disobedience to God? There are many examples in the Bible of disobedience to God. One of these examples is the story about the man of God from Judah, who God sent to deliver

Seated in Jesus Christ meaning

Seated in Jesus Christ; mache apre Lespri a

In Romans 8:1, we read that there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, ki pa mache dèyè kò a, men apre Lespri Bondye a. This verse gives so much clarity of what it truly means to

Ki moun ki di pral gen yon demen?

Ki moun ki di pral gen yon demen?

Anpil moun ap viv tankou si yo gen lavi etènèl sou tè a.. Yo vle viv pwòp lavi pa yo, fè pwòp bagay pa yo, san entèferans moun di yo sa pou yo fè. They love the world and things of the

the sixth day of man

What happened on the sixth day?

Did you know what happened on the sixth day? What did God create on the sixth day? On the sixth day, God created Adam, who was God’s first son on earth? But did you also know that Jesus, the second


The truth about rejection

How do you deal with the feeling of rejection? Gen anpil moun, who suffer from the feeling of rejection. The feeling of rejection rules their lives, whereby they always feel rejected and never accepted by others. Some are

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