Je tam veľa ľudí, who always feel the need to prove themselves to others. There are even many Christians, who feel the need to prove themselves to others. They want to show others that they belong to God and…
Ježiš bol prvorodený z nového stvorenia a odraz Boha. Ježiš je naším príkladom a ukázal nám, ako kráčať v poslušnosti Bohu na zemi. Čo však znamená poslušnosť Bohu? What does…
Čo hovorí Biblia o neposlušnosti voči Bohu? There are many examples in the Bible of disobedience to God. One of these examples is the story about the man of God from Judah, who God sent to deliver…
V Rimanoch 8:1, we read that there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, ktorí nechodia podľa tela, ale po Duchu. This verse gives so much clarity of what it truly means to…
Many people live as if they have eternal life on earth. They want to live their own lives, doing their own thing, without interference from people telling them what to do. They love the world and things of the…