Too busy being busy

Are you too busy being busy?

Everyone is busy. No one has time. People are consumed by their everyday lives. People don’t rule over time, but time rules over people. When you ask someone how it’s going or a favor, almost every time, you hear

Maanta dooro kii aad u adeegi lahayd

Maanta dooro kii aad u adeegi lahayd

In 1 John 2:15-17, it is written that if you love the world and the things that are in the world; the lust of the flesh and the eyes, and the pride of life, then the love of God

joseph was anguished and distressed

Did you know Joseph was anguished and distressed?

Ma ogeyd, when Joseph was cast into the pit by his brothers, and when they sold Joseph for twenty pieces of silver to the Ishmaelites, that Joseph was anguished and distressed? Ma ogeyd, that Joseph begged his

quduus ka dhigid

Waa maxay daahirintu?

Waayo, tanu waa doonista Ilaah, xataa quduusnaantaada, inaad sinada ka fogaataan: in midkiin kastaaba ogaado siduu weelkiisa ugu hantiyi lahaa quduusnaanta iyo ciso; Ma aha in damaca hammiga, even

the two great commandments, If you love Me keep My commandments

The righteous walks in righteousness

Marka aad mar kale ku dhalatay Masiixa, you have been made righteous. The Bible says, God had made Jesus, who knew no sin, to be sin for us, who knew no sin, so that we might be made the righteousness

qalad: Waxa ku jira waa la ilaaliyay