los dos grandes mandamientos, Si me amas guarda mis mandamientos

El justo camina en justicia

Cuando naces de nuevo en Cristo, you have been made righteous. La Biblia dice, Dios había hecho a Jesús, who knew no sin, ser pecado para nosotros, who knew no sin, so that we might be made the righteousness

último milagro de eliseo

¿Cuál fue el último milagro de Eliseo??

Did you know that the last miracle of Elisha didn’t take place during his life? But that the last miracle of Elisha took place when Elisha was dead? This last miracle of Elisha proved that Elisha had indeed received

El doloroso proceso conocido como morir

En Juan 12:23-26, Jesus dijo, Excepto que un grano de trigo caiga en la tierra y muera, permanecerá solo., pero si muere, da mucho fruto. He that loves his life shall lose it and he that

¿Qué es el fruto amor Gálatas? 5:22

El amor de la fruta

One of the fruit of the Spirit is the fruit love. But what does the Bible say about the fruit love? Because in these days most Christians give a whole other meaning to the word love than the Bible

What is the love of God

El amor de la fruta; el amor de Dios

In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him (1 Jo 4:9) The final fruit, that I would like to discuss is

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