1 Chronicles 1:19 Peleg in his days the earth was divided, biggest earthquake

The biggest earthquake of all times

Before Peleg was born, the earth was one big continent. When you take a map with all the continents and cut out all the continents, then these continents will fit like a jiggle puzzle and make one big continent.

Too busy being busy

Are you too busy being busy?

Everyone is busy. No one has time. People are consumed by their everyday lives. People don’t rule over time, but time rules over people. When you ask someone how it’s going or a favor, almost every time, you hear

joseph was anguished and distressed

Did you know Joseph was anguished and distressed?

Ubusazi, when Joseph was cast into the pit by his brothers, and when they sold Joseph for twenty pieces of silver to the Ishmaelites, that Joseph was anguished and distressed? Ubusazi, that Joseph begged his


Yintoni ukungcwaliswa?

For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; Not in the lust of concupiscence, even

imiyalelo emikhulu emibini, Ukuba niyandithanda gcinani imithetho yam

Ilungisa lihamba ngobulungisa

When you are born again in Christ, wenziwa ilungisa. IBhayibhile ithi, God had made Jesus, ababengasazi isono, to be sin for us, ababengasazi isono, so that we might be made the righteousness

impazamo: Lo mxholo ukhuselwe