两条伟大的诫命, 如果你爱我,就遵守我的诫命


When you are born again in Christ, you have been made righteous. 圣经说, God had made Jesus, who knew no sin, to be sin for us, who knew no sin, so that we might be made the righteousness



Did you know that the last miracle of Elisha didn’t take place during his life? But that the last miracle of Elisha took place when Elisha was dead? This last miracle of Elisha proved that Elisha had indeed received


在约翰 12:23-26, 耶稣说, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abides alone, 但如果它死了, 它结出许多果实. He that loves his life shall lose it and he that

What is the fruit love Galatians 5:22

The fruit love

One of the fruit of the Spirit is the fruit love. But what does the Bible say about the fruit love? Because in these days most Christians give a whole other meaning to the word love than the Bible


The fruit love; the love of God

神对我们的爱在此显明出来, 因为神差遣他的独生子来到世上, 以便我们可以通过他而活 (1 Jo 4:9) 最后的果实, that I would like to discuss is

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