神对我们的爱在此显明出来, 因为神差遣他的独生子来到世上, 以便我们可以通过他而活 (1 乔 4:9) 最后的果实, that I would like to discuss is…
你可知道, the first miraculous feeding of the multitude didn’t take place in the New Testament but in the Old Testament? 耶稣说, that everything He did, His Father taught Him (约翰 8:28, 38). This was also the case…
When you are carnal, you are led by your will, 欲望, 情绪, 情怀, senses etc., Your flesh rules as king in your life. But when you become a Christian and receive the Holy Spirit, then your flesh and your…
The fruit meekness is not often discussed in church, because meekness is not a very popular fruit of the Spirit. In the world we live in, people don’t want you to be meek, but to be self-assertive, independent, standing…
What is the fruit of faith according to the Bible? Because Christians often say, that they believe in Jesus Christ and that they believe God. But do they really believe in Him? Because many times, their words and actions…