The fruit Joy

The fruit Joy

The fruit joy is the fruit of the Spirit. Therefore the fruit of joy should be present in your life as a born-again believer. Ongelukkig, many Christians don’t experience joy in their lives. Why don’t they experience joy in

What kind of fruit do you produce

What fruit do you produce?

What fruit do you produce? Do you produce the fruit of the Spirit; liefde, vreugde, vrede, lankmoedigheid, gentleness, Goedheid, geloof, sagmoedigheid, temperance? Or do you produce the fruit of the flesh; owerspel, hoerery, onreinheid, ongebondenheid, afgodery, heksery, Haat, variansie,…

What happened on the Day of Pentecost? Pentecost meaning

Wat is Pinkster?

Wat is Pinkster in die Bybel en wat het op Pinksterdag gebeur? Op Pinksterdag, Christene onthou die uitstorting van die Heilige Gees. Die koms van die Heilige Gees was nodig vir die mensdom. Maar hoekom?…

We have the keys of authority in Jesus Christ

Christene het die sleutels!

Who has the keys in the heavens and on this earth? The answer is Christians. Christians have the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. But what does this mean? The kingdoms of this universe In the spiritual realm, there

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