A medida do pecado e os juízos de Deus

Você sempre permanece um pecador??

How to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

The fruit longsuffering

The fruit longsuffering

The fruit longsuffering, is a fruit, that is needed in our world Today. Quantas vezes, do people loose their patience and become angry, when someone insults them? Quantas vezes, do people feel offended, chateado, and want to

A paz do fruto

A paz do fruto

What does the Bible say about the fruit peace? The fruit peace is a peace that goes beyond all human understanding. The fruit peace is a peace that the world can’t explain or comprehend. The world can’t give you this peace.

The fruit Joy

The fruit Joy

The fruit joy is the fruit of the Spirit. Therefore the fruit of joy should be present in your life as a born-again believer. Infelizmente, many Christians don’t experience joy in their lives. Why don’t they experience joy in

What kind of fruit do you produce

Que fruta você produz?

Que fruta você produz? Do you produce the fruit of the Spirit; amor, alegria, paz, Longanimidade, suavidade, bondade, fé, mansidão, temperança? Or do you produce the fruit of the flesh; adultério, fornicação, Impureza, lascívia, idolatria, feitiçaria, ódio, variação,…

O que aconteceu no Dia de Pentecostes? Significado de Pentecostes

O que é Pentecostes?

What is Pentecost in the Bible and what happened on the Day of Pentecost? No dia de Pentecostes, Christians remember the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The coming of the Holy Spirit was needed for humanity. Mas por que?…

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