return of Jesus summary

Waiting for Jesus’ skila; Samantekt

Í fyrri bloggfærslum, biðin eftir fyrirheiti Jesú’ Rætt var um skil og hvaða merki skuli eiga sér stað á endatímum. Í Matthew 24, Jesús talaði við lærisveina sína um endalok tímans, before His return.

image woods mountain with text waiting for the return of Christ the abomination of desolation

What is the abomination of desolation?

When Jesus spoke to His disciples about the end times, Jesus mentioned the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel (Matthías 24:15). What is the abomination of desolation according to the Bible? What is the abomination of

Storm in your mind by the multitude of thoughts

Storm in your mind by the multitude of thoughts

Do you experience storm in your mind by the multitude of thoughts? Do you lack peace, because of the many thoughts that are running through your head and condemn and controle you? Do you want to know how to

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