Nhiều người, bao gồm cả Kitô hữu, visit a Mensendieck therapist. But do they know, where they go to and what they got themselves into? What’s Mensendieck therapy and its origin? What does the Bible say about Mensendieck therapy methods? What is…
Ngày thăng thiên là gì? On Ascension Day, Christians remember that Jesus ascended to Heaven. They remember, that Jesus was taken up in a cloud on Mount Olive and went to Heaven. But Ascension Day contains so much more than just…
Many people visit a physical therapist and have physical therapy for various reasons. Physical therapy sounds and looks harmless and many people say it’s beneficial and experience some kind of relief. But what is physical therapy? What is the…
Chúa Giêsu Kitô, Vị Nam Tử của Thượng Đế hằng sống, came to the earth to do the will of His Father. Jesus came to deliver people from every oppression of the devil. In the four Gospels, we read that Jesus the Healer…
Many Christians want to change themselves and instead of following God’s way they follow the way of the world, by following carnal doctrines and applying carnal methods. They go back to the past to analyze themselves and to find…