Mato knygoje 24:14, Jesus said to His disciples, this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then the end come. What did Jesus mean by that? What does…
Mato knygoje 24:42, Jesus tells us to stay awake and watch, because no one knows what day or what hour Jesus shall return. Jesus doesn’t want anyone to slumber and to fall asleep. But Jesus wants His disciples to…
Mato knygoje 24:37, Jėzus tarė, that as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. What did Jesus mean by that? Why shall the coming of the Son of man be…
When will Jesus return? Is there anyone, who can predict the day and the hour of Jesus’ grąžinti? Can anyone discover from the Scriptures in the Bible when Jesus is coming back? The answer is NO! Absolutely not! No one knows…
Jėzui paminėjus visus ženklus, kurie įvyks prieš Jėzų’ grąžinti, Jėzus pasakė savo mokiniams palyginimą apie figmedį. Lukas paminėjo ne tik figmedį, bet visi medžiai: “Štai figmedis, ir…