Ce spune Biblia despre judecata de pe pământ?

Ce spune Biblia despre judecata de pe pământ? In Isaiah 24:1-23 we read about the judgment on the earth. We not only read about the judgment on the earth, but we also read about the reason

calea celor drepți

Ce spune Biblia despre calea celor drepți?

Când crezi în Isus Hristos, Fiul Dumnezeului celui viu, and repent and become a new creation, by becoming born again in Christ (născut din apă și Duh), you will become the righteousness of God; the just.

What does Bible say about the just

What does the Bible say about the just?

What does the Bible say about the just (those, who have become holy and righteous by the blood of Jesus and entered the new covenant in Jesus Christ)? Biblia spune, the just shall live by faith. But is

The love shall wax cold meaning

Ce înseamnă dragostea multora care se va răci.?

În Matei 24:12-13, a spus Isus, that before His return in the last days the love of many shall wax cold. Ce înseamnă dragostea multora care se va răci.? How is it possible that the love of many

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