
Je, jua litatiwa giza na mwezi hautatoa maana yake??

Biblia katika Mathayo 24:29, Yesu anasema, that immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the

Biblia inasema nini kuhusu hukumu ya dunia?

Biblia inasema nini kuhusu hukumu ya dunia? In Isaiah 24:1-23 we read about the judgment on the earth. We not only read about the judgment on the earth, but we also read about the reason

njia ya wenye haki

Biblia inasema nini kuhusu njia ya wenye haki?

Unapomwamini Yesu Kristo, Mwana wa Mungu aliye hai, and repent and become a new creation, by becoming born again in Christ (aliyezaliwa kwa maji na kwa Roho), you will become the righteousness of God; the just.

What does Bible say about the just

What does the Bible say about the just?

What does the Bible say about the just (hizo, who have become holy and righteous by the blood of Jesus and entered the new covenant in Jesus Christ)? Biblia inasema, the just shall live by faith. But is

kosa: Maudhui haya yanalindwa