In 1 Petrus 2:9-10, daar staan geskrywe dat Christene, wat gehoor gegee het aan die roepstem van God, Wat hulle uit die duisternis geroep het tot Sy wonderbaarlike, is 'n uitverkore geslag, 'n koninklike priesterdom, 'n heilige nasie, and a…
What did Paul mean in Romans 6:12 deur, let not sin therefore reign (reign as king) in your mortal body? What does this mean for the lives of Christians, who have become a new creation through regeneration in Christ?…
When man obeyed the words of the devil, the covenant between man and death and the agreement with hell came into being. Almal, wat uit die saad van die mens gebore sou word, would be born and live in the…
When God had placed the sin of the world upon Jesus Christ and Jesus was made sin on the cross, Jesus descended into hell (Hades), where Jesus stayed for three days and three nights. But what did Jesus do…
Good Friday is an important day for Christians, but Good Friday should actually be an important day for all people. Why is it called Good Friday? What happened on Good Friday that is so important for humanity? Wat is…