Čo urobil Ježiš v pekle?

Čo urobil Ježiš v pekle?

Keď Boh vložil hriech sveta na Ježiša Krista a Ježiš sa stal hriechom na kríži, Ježiš zostúpil do pekla (Hades), kde Ježiš zostal tri dni a tri noci. But what did Jesus do

What voice do you listen to?

What voice do you listen to?

In John 10, Ježiš povedal, that He is the good Shepherd and that His sheep that belong to His flock will listen to His voice. Jesus knows His sheep and the sheep know Him and believe Him and therefore

Why did God not respect Cain's offering?

Prečo Boh nerešpektoval Kainovu obetu?

V Genesis 3:4-5, we read that Cain brought of the fruit an offering unto the Lord. His brother Abel aso brought an offering of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. The Lord had respect unto

chyba: Tento obsah je chránený