In Hosea 4:6, God spoke to the prophet Hosea about His unfaithful adulterous people of Israel and the consequences of their unfaithfulness and adultery for His people and the land. UNkulunkulu wathi, My people are destroyed for lack of…
Ku 1 UPetru 2:9-10, it is written that Christians, who have given heed to the call of God, Who called them out of darkness into His marvelous, are a chosen generation, ubupristi bobukhosi, isizwe esingcwele, and a…
Wayesho ukuthini uPawulu kwabaseRoma 6:12 nge, makungabusi isono (abuse njengenkosi) emzimbeni wakho ofayo? Kusho ukuthini lokhu ezimpilweni zamaKrestu, abe yindalo entsha ngokuzalwa kutsha kuKristu?…
Lapho umuntu elalela amazwi kadeveli, isivumelwano phakathi komuntu nokufa kanye nesivumelwano nesihogo saba khona. Wonke umuntu, owayezazalwa enzalweni yomuntu, uzozalwa futhi uhlale endaweni…
Lapho uNkulunkulu esebeke isono sezwe phezu kukaJesu Kristu futhi uJesu wenziwa isono esiphambanweni, UJesu wehlela esihogweni (IHayidesi), lapho uJesu wahlala khona izinsuku ezintathu nobusuku obuthathu. Kodwa uJesu wenzani…