Dans l’attente de la promesse du Messie

Dans l’attente de la promesse du Messie

There are so many stories in the Bible about the subject of waiting. I could have written many more blog posts about this subject, but I won’t. I will write just two more blog posts about the subject of

en attendant, le rêve devient réalité

En attendant que le rêve devienne réalité

When we look at the life of Joseph, we see that God had a plan for Joseph’s life. God had chosen Joseph, because God knew that Joseph was reliable and trustworthy for the job. How did God know? Bien, God created Joseph,…

en attendant le bon partenaire

En attente du bon partenaire

There are a many Christians, qui sont célibataires. Certains chrétiens célibataires ont délibérément choisi de rester célibataires, mais il y a d'autres chrétiens célibataires, qui ont envie d'un partenaire et ont hâte de rencontrer son futur conjoint.…

Attendre que la promesse de Dieu s’accomplisse

Dans l’attente de la promesse de Dieu

In the Book of Genesis, we read about God’s promise to Abraham. God promised Abraham that he would have a son, who would be his heir. The seed of Abraham would be as the numbers of the stars. Cependant…

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