Que dit la Bible au sujet des justes? Maintenant, tu pourrais te demander, what ‘the just’ moyens. The just are the people, who belong to God and have become holy and righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ and entered…
Dans Matthieu 24:12-13, Jésus a dit, qu’avant son retour dans les derniers jours, l’amour de beaucoup se refroidira. Que signifie l'amour de beaucoup se refroidira? How is it possible that the love of many…
Dans Matthieu 24:11, Jesus says that before His return many false prophets shall rise and that these false prophets shall deceive many. How many Christians shall be deceived by false prophets? We don’t know, but we do know that…
Chaque année, Good Friday is remembered by Christians. But what is the meaning of Good Friday? Ce qui s’est passé le Vendredi saint? What does the Bible say about Good Friday? Why is Good Friday such an important day to Christians…
Que dit la Bible à propos de la persécution? Dans Matthieu 24:9-10, Jésus a dit, then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for My Name’s sake. And then…