Waiting for God's promise to come to pass

Waiting for God’s promise

In the Book of Genesis, we read about God’s promise to Abraham. God promised Abraham that he would have a son, who would be his heir. The seed of Abraham would be as the numbers of the stars. derimot…

image of flowers with blog title the art of waiting

The art of waiting

Waiting is not everyone’s strong suit. Throughout the Bible, we read about people, who had a hard time waiting on God and the fulfillment of His words and promises. Despite God’s words and promises, many people didn’t have the

What is the fear of the Lord?

What is the fear of the Lord? The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy is understanding The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have

Jeg vil takke Herren for...

Jeg vil takke Herren for…

Jeg vil takke Herren for evig, for Du, Herre, er god, og din barmhjertighet varer til evig tid.. Jeg vil takke Herren i menigheten:I will praise You among much people and I will give thanks for

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