Esperando pela promessa do Messias

Esperando pela promessa do Messias

Há tantas histórias na Bíblia sobre o assunto da espera. Eu poderia ter escrito muitos mais posts sobre esse assunto, mas eu não vou. Escreverei apenas mais dois posts sobre o assunto…

waiting dream becomes reality

Waiting until the dream becomes reality

When we look at the life of Joseph, we see that God had a plan for Joseph’s life. God had chosen Joseph, because God knew that Joseph was reliable and trustworthy for the job. How did God know? Bem, God created Joseph,…

waiting for the right partner

Waiting for the right partner

Há muitos cristãos, que são solteiros. Alguns cristãos solteiros escolheram propositalmente permanecer solteiros, mas existem outros cristãos solteiros, who are longing for a partner and can’t wait to meet his or her future spouse.

Waiting for God's promise to come to pass

Waiting for God’s promise

In the Book of Genesis, we read about God’s promise to Abraham. God promised Abraham that he would have a son, who would be his heir. The seed of Abraham would be as the numbers of the stars. No entanto…

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