And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against…
Keď sedel na Olivovom vrchu, učeníci prišli k Nemu súkromne, hovorí, Povedz nám, kedy budú tieto veci? A čo bude znamením Tvojho príchodu, a o konci sveta? And Jesus…
The previous article was about God’s promise regarding the promise and coming of Jesus Christ, Mesiáša. Všetky proroctvá o príchode Mesiáša sa splnili. Nestalo sa to okamžite, keď Boh dal svoj sľub, but it took more…
There are so many stories in the Bible about the subject of waiting. I could have written many more blog posts about this subject, but I won’t. I will write just two more blog posts about the subject of…
When we look at the life of Joseph, we see that God had a plan for Joseph’s life. God had chosen Joseph, because God knew that Joseph was reliable and trustworthy for the job. How did God know? Dobre, God created Joseph,…