Waiting for God's promise to come to pass

Waiting for God’s promise

In the Book of Genesis, we read about God’s promise to Abraham. God promised Abraham that he would have a son, who would be his heir. The seed of Abraham would be as the numbers of the stars. Leha ho le joalo…

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Bokgoni ba ho leta

Waiting is not everyone’s strong suit. Hohle ka Bibeleng, we read about people, who had a hard time waiting on God and the fulfillment of His words and promises. Despite God’s words and promises, many people didn’t have the

Ho tšaba Jehova ke eng?

Ho tšaba Jehova ke eng? The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy is understanding The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have

I will give thanks to the Lord for...

I will give thanks to the Lord for

I will give thanks to the Lord forever, for You oh Lord are good and your mercy endures forever. I will give thanks to the Lord in the congregation:I will praise You among much people and I will give thanks for

Ho bolela'ng ho tseba mohau oa Molimo ka 'nete?

Ho Bakolose 1:6, Pauluse o ile a ngolla bahalaleli ba Kolose hore ba ne ba tseba mohau oa Molimo ka ’nete. E bolelang, ho tseba mohau wa Modimo ka nnete? What does it mean to know the grace

phoso: Litaba tsena li sirelelitsoe