Sal Jesus jou Verlosser of jou Regter wees?

I indeed baptise you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptise you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: whose fan

Die noodsaaklikheid van die nuwe geboorte, wedergeboorte

Die noodsaaklikheid van die nuwe geboorte

Dit wat uit die vlees gebore is, is vlees; en wat uit die Gees gebore is, is gees (John 3:6). We have a spirit, siel en liggaam. The question you might ask yourselves is: am I carnal and

Hoe om wedergebore te word hoe 'n mens wedergebore word

Hoe kan 'n mens wedergebore word?

When Jesus talked with Nicodemus about the new birth, Jesus told him how a person can be born again. Although Nicodemus was a Pharisee, a scholar and teacher in the scriptures, and a ruler of Israel, Nicodemus was still

Jehovah Rapha or doctors

Jehovah Rapha or doctors? The choice is yours ….

If you are sick, you go to the doctor. That’s what we have been taught to do and therefore that’s what we do. Baie mense, Christene ingesluit, go to doctors. But where do doctors come from? What is the

Wat het Jesus oor Homself gesê

Wat het Jesus oor Homself gesê?

There are many testimonies in the Bible about Jesus Christ. But what did Jesus say about Himself? Who is Jesus Christ? Wat het Jesus oor Homself gesê? I am the bread of life: he that comes to Me shall

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