Je parle donc je suis fils de Dieu

je parle, donc je suis un fils de Dieu

Quand vous naissez de nouveau en Christ, which means that you are baptized in Christ into His death and resurrection and you have received the Holy Spirit, you have been reconciled with God and have become a son of

image mirror with blog title Who are you really?

Qui es-tu vraiment?

The way we approach life and how we live, sentir, et se comporter, and what we say and do have everything to do with the way our mind thinks. Every person has a mind and thoughts. The mind and thoughts

Comment établit-on la loi?

Comment établir la loi selon la Bible?

By faith and regeneration in Jesus Christ, you have been delivered from the power of death and set free from every bondage, and have received a new life in Christ. The blood of Christ has cleansed you from all

Faith as a grain of mustard seed

Qu’est-ce que la foi comme grain de moutarde?

De nombreux chrétiens prient pour plus de foi. Chaque fois qu’il y a un appel à l’église pour obtenir plus de foi, many Christians go immediately to the front of the church and let others pray and lay hands on them to get more

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