V Kolosanom 1:6, Pavol napísal svätým v Kolosách, že poznajú Božiu milosť v pravde. Čo to znamená, poznať Božiu milosť v pravde? What does it mean to know the grace…
I indeed baptise you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptise you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: whose fan…
Čo sa narodilo z tela, je telo; a to, čo sa narodilo z Ducha, je duch (John 3:6). We have a spirit, duša a telo. The question you might ask yourselves is: am I carnal and…
When Jesus talked with Nicodemus about the new birth, Jesus told him how a person can be born again. Although Nicodemus was a Pharisee, a scholar and teacher in the scriptures, and a ruler of Israel, Nicodemus was still…
Ak ste chorý, Idete k lekárovi. To je to, čo nás učili, a preto to robíme. Veľa ludí, vrátane kresťanov, Choďte k lekárom. Ale odkiaľ pochádzajú lekári? What is the…