I speak therefore I am a son of God

I speak, therefore I am a son of God

When you are born again in Christ, which means that you are baptized in Christ into His death and resurrection and you have received the Holy Spirit, you have been reconciled with God and have become a son of

image mirror with blog title Who are you really?

Who are you really?

The way we approach life and how we live, 感觉, 并表现得, 我们所说的和所做的一切都与我们的思维方式有关. 每个人都有自己的思想和想法. The mind and thoughts

How do you establish the law?

How do you establish the law according to the Bible?

靠着对耶稣基督的信心和重生, you have been delivered from the power of death and set free from every bondage, and have received a new life in Christ. The blood of Christ has cleansed you from all

信心是从听神的话而来的 罗马书 是什么意思 10 17


在之前的文章中, the subject of faith and how to walk by faith and not by sight were discussed. 圣经说, that if we have the slightest bit of faith and doubt not, we can move mountains. But how



Many Christians pray for more faith. Whenever there is a call in church to get more faith, many Christians go immediately to the front of the church and let others pray and lay hands on them to get more

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