¿Qué es la gracia de Dios??

The love and the grace of God are so great! God loves people so much, He only wants the best for people and to have a relationship with them. God wanted this so much, that He sent His only

pecar o no pecar, Esa es tu decisión

Pecar o no pecar, Esa es tu decisión

Pecar o no pecar, that’s your decision to make. Every Christian is responsible for his or her own life and decides to believe God and His Word and walk in the will of God or not. En…

Drink from the living water

What happens when you drink from the living water?

How many times do Christians sing that they thirst for more of Jesus and more of the Holy Spirit. Pero, ¿es esto bíblico? What does the Bible say about drinking from the living water? The Scriptures says, that if

El camino a la destrucción el yugo desigual

Por qué un yugo desigual es camino a la destrucción?

Can Christians marry non-Christians? How often do Christians fall in love with unbelievers? They meet someone they like and soon their feelings and emotions take over. They fall in love with an unbeliever, who doesn’t know Jesus and is

¿Cómo se entra en el camino de la destrucción?

¿Cómo se entra en el camino de la destrucción??

Solomon had everything a man could wish for. Solomon walked with God, Solomon was king, he had wisdom, conocimiento, poder, etc.. En resumen, Solomon had a prosperous life. Solomon had the privilege to build the house for the Lord. Pero……

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